“Big ears are a charming way of poking fun at the lawmaker of your choice,” said satire gurus. “And what’s more, you needn’t know a thing about your target or their foibles, still less have thought about their acts and stated beliefs deeply enough to form so much as a single damn opinion of your own.”
The sketching of stretched lugs is particularly recommended for would-be wags and first-time humorists who can’t muster the will to find out a word’s meaning by looking it up in a special kind of book known as a dictionary or encyclopaedia, and for neophyte jesters too dim to type all seven letters of it into one of the thousands of search engines or online works of reference they have access to.
The greenhorns were dubious: “Yeah, but...”
“No buts,” experts snapped. “You don’t want to learn anything? Of course not. So it’s back to the big ears or look like a halfwit. Up to you.”
“You heard them,” said other experts, working themselves up into a bit of a froth. “The bigness of the ears will make even the most charismatic of public servants into a figure of mirth. You only have to remember to draw them very big! This easy to execute, time-honoured technique will have you incisive in no time, allowing your razor wit to strike home again and again.
“If you’re feeling really risqué, why not give them a big pointy nose as well? Just watch those officials squirm. That’s putting the boot in. That’s sure to teach them a lesson and make them change their pointy-nosed ways, the big-eared legislative silly-billies.”
The peccadillo and eccentricities of public figures have long been effectively skewered by the feared "exaggerated ears" of the cartoonist.
I'd like to put forward the suggestion to the people of Zimbabwe that perhaps a particularly large pair of lobes might be sufficient to bring about change in that benighted country.
I dunno, the ears would certainly take their toll, but to effect real change there, you might also need the sticky-out teeth. Maybe even ink splatter!
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