Cathars and Monophysites too expressed their support for the Bishop of Rome’s call for tolerance, while Manicheans, Cerinthians and Albigensians extolled the eloquence of the 181 year-old pontiff as he demanded peace from member states, and respect for all mankind.
Witches, in particular, were moved by the Catholic leader’s courageous defence of human rights, and Knights Templar approved his warm words on reconciliation.
Meanwhile a happy host of Arians, Gnostics, Marcionites, Docetists, Nestorians and Predestinarians applauded the Holy Father’s desire for multilateral consensus. And, as the Vicar of Christ emphasised the need for a “scientific method that is truly respectful of ethical imperatives,” Giordano Bruno clapped and stamped his feet for joy, his face peeling and steaming with joy. He was apparently too delighted to speak.
Only Iconoclasts remained unmoved by the loving, pontifical words, saying that it was, “thankfully, a bit hard to picture the specifics.”
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