In the cedar-borne invective, Bin Laden appears with boot-black in his beard and a slightly scuffed robe. After several whoops, and a spell of capering up and down a hillside and shooting into the air, he admits to mistakes in earlier attacks, and a lack of adequate planning for the aftermath of 9/11, but insists that the Mujahideen must stay the course.
“Without random atrocities, Europe and the US will certainly implode,” the aging extremist avers. “I could not sleep at night, knowing that I had abandoned the crusader imperialists to their self-destructive fate.”
Assisting the Sheikh, Ayman al Zawahiri adds: “We started this; we owe it to the kuffar (infidels) to restore peace and justice in their lands with further acts of wanton carnage.”
The terror deputy went on to answer critics who accuse Al Qaeda of leaving the world in a worse state than it was before they blew up large portions of it.
“Freedom isn’t easy. It won’t come overnight.”
The twin tirades, which fill just over half of one Bush E180 three-hour video cassette, are followed by an old episode of Celebrity Who Wants to Be A Millionaire? dubbed into Arabic. The rest is snow.
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